Ona Hotels & Apartments, a renowned chain of hotels and aparthotels with more than 43 complexes in key Mediterranean destinations, with a sustained growth of 36% in turnover in the last year and a Vacation Club with more than 18,000 active members, faced the challenge of optimizing its customer service and improving its internal processes.

The main challenge was the lack of adequate metrics that made it difficult to measure employee performance and limited the company’s ability to optimize its operational efficiency. In addition, the management of interactions with customers and partners was done in a fragmented manner, leading to significant inefficiencies.

The objective was clear: to obtain a 360-degree view of its customers and partners, thus optimizing the management of the team of agents and improving the quality of the service offered.

Solution Implemented

To address these challenges, Salesforce CRM was effectively integrated with the contact center and payment gateway. This integration not only allowed for the centralization of customer and partner information, but also streamlined agent management, providing a unified platform to manage all interactions.

The implementation included collecting valuable data, such as the number of calls received and answered, wait times, and identifying callers of greatest interest. This facilitated a better understanding of the team’s performance and made it possible to propose joint internal solutions, encouraging collaborative work.

Benefits Obtained

Since implementing the solution, Ona Hotels & Apartments has experienced significant improvements in several key aspects:

Operational efficiency:

The integration of the tools has allowed agents to immediately access the interaction history of customers and partners, improving readiness to address their requests. This has freed employees from manual tasks, allowing them to focus on providing a more personalized service.

Performance measurement and optimization:

It is now possible to measure and compare results with industry averages, which has led to continuous optimization of internal metrics. Agents have access to their performance data, making it easier to identify areas for improvement and promoting a culture of continuous improvement.

Improved customer experience:

The ability to offer a closer and more personalized service has increased customer satisfaction. CRM integration allows the customer file to automatically appear when a call is received, reducing response time and improving service quality.

Positive employee adoption:

The new technology has been well received by employees, who value the reduction of repetitive tasks and the improvement in the organization of work. In addition, the proactive willingness to implement changes strengthens the commitment to efficiency and quality.

Looking to the Future: Challenges and Opportunities

Although the implementation is relatively recent, Ona Hotels & Apartments is already planning future joint projects with Tecsens to continue improving its omnichannel strategy. These include automating call processes and implementing pre-filters to more efficiently assign customer requests to the right agents. These initiatives will not only improve operational efficiency, but also ensure a superior customer experience.

Although the end customer does not directly perceive the change in tools, the impact is evident on the quality of the service. Agents now have immediate access to each customer’s complete history of interactions, allowing them to offer a more personalized and close service.

This improvement in the customer experience has been enthusiastically received by the company’s employees, who see this technology as an opportunity to focus on what really matters: the customer.

In summary, the collaboration with Tecsens has allowed Ona Hotels & Apartments to take a crucial step on its path to omnichannel, establishing a solid foundation to continue optimizing its internal processes and offering a high-quality service to its customers and partners.