May 13, 2021 | Consulting, IT Security
Technology and digitization is fundamental to the evolution of the economy and in general society. This also involves prior training to maintain security in corporate infrastructures. Just as we protect our homes with advanced security systems, we must protect the...
Apr 21, 2021 | IT Security, News
This is a question that many companies ask themselves on a regular basis, Is an Office 365 backup necessary? the answer is yes. Microsoft allows the storage and availability of files in its cloud, but without ensuring their protection against possible incidents. It is...
Mar 18, 2021 | Consulting, IT Security, News
It has been a few years since data protection began to be regulated both nationally and internationally, and more and more strictly. The appearance of the ePrivacy Regulation is just the next step in the long process of defending users’ right to privacy at the...
Dec 17, 2020 | Consulting, IT Security, News
This year 2020, which is about to end, has undoubtedly put us to the test in every way. Especially the IT sector, which has defined 3 keys of the 2020 sector necessary for companies to survive this new normality. This adaptation has given a boost to the digital...
Dec 10, 2020 | Consulting, IT Security
At a time like this when online sales are soaring, in order to have a successful campaign and for customers to buy safely, ecommerce must be prepared and implement web protocols such as HTTPS. Why is the HTTPS protocol necessary on a website? Currently, any website...
Dec 1, 2020 | Cloud, IT Security
Cloud backup and cloud storage are two concepts that are often confused, but we must differentiate because they do not have the same advantages. Both are within the tools of cloud computing, saving costs, time and space, in addition to many other advantages. Next, we...